keelo lake peace singkarak
today i want to invite brother brother to wander kesebuah place nan very pretty, pretty, beautiful peace and green. not yet complete presumably your tour visit is if not yet visits nature painting one this, a nature basin that flooded water very clear with fish fish decoration nan wander peace and calm that is lake singkarak.
lake singakarak located in west sumatra province that shelterred by two areas that is plain regency and regency solok. lake singkarak be broad lake second at sumatra after lake toba that presents in height 36,5 meters from sea level and vast 129,69 km.
this lake is hilt from river/stick ombilin that be important irrigation source for agriculture tune that is passed by this river stream. this lake water is part of it also maked use as power station that channelled to pass by tunnel menembus mountain range to termite stick to move generator plta singkarak at elbow depth alung field regency pariaman.
besides the scenery nan very pretty and beautiful mencekungan mountain range nature greenness, lake singkarak also keep a fish species uniqueness exist in world that is fish bilih (latin; mystacoleucus padangensis) species this fish only one the other one at world (but follows several sources presumably this fish kind also in brazilia). this fish is existing citizen livelihood principal mainstay menyelingkaran lake singkarak, besides likely very special, piquant and fragrant this fish also be your memories mainstay with coddles taste to taste food exist in cafe/restaurant exist in lake edge edge singkarak, of course also there package to by by from fish bilih that dry.
melokasi lake singakarak many found homestay/inn and also several star hotel fruits 2 and jasmine, like singkarak beach hotel, this hotel is usually crowded is used by also domestic, also menempat this is very pleasant be achieved seminar activity activity, also to rest training. beside that melokasi lake singakarak also there child child playground for you that bring family as in pearl cape coast, there provided lugger to sail cheerful at lake singkarak with various another child child game.
really according to tool and another infrastructure, menyeputaran lake environment singakarak still many limitedness like access penyediaan cinderamata, public toilet, culture attraction, lake coast cleanliness and as it. this matter presumably can be attention and repair for side side lake tour object bertanggungjawab/manager singkarak, good government, effort executant, society and lake tour object visitor singkarak self.
but be confidence your visit to lake singakarak will not sia sia even less if you enjoy lika road meander mempinggir lake singakarak that surrounded rice field rice field berjenjang green, surging hill scenery, house house building bagonjong estetik with sepoian lake wind that cool.
although your visit is really enthrall but hope always watch over security and your welfare is in toureds, hope heart heart if swim and don't approach to areal that forbidden by manager. before swim or bathe mempinggir lake hopes melapor and inform manager/watchman side and ask about everything may and may not for you do.
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