area history (history)
gili meno, awangan and water (dimension) mengukuhkan as sea nature tour park by forestry minister based on letter of appointment no. 99/kpts-ii/2001 date 15 marches 2001, vast 2.954 ha. this waters area consists of sea waters that surround three islands, gili meno for the width of 150 ha, gili water for the width of 175 ha, and gili awangan for the width of 340 ha, the rest for the width of 2289 ha be sea waters.
according to sea nature tour park astronomic (twal) this lays in 8o20’ – 8o23’ ls and 116o00’ – 116o08’ bt, and according to public administration belongs into village gili beautiful winner district, chili regency west, west nusa tenggara province. area limit at part west abut on java sea, at part east with cape sire, at part north with java sea, and at part south abut on lombok strait.
what interesting from twal gili dimension?
this area is maritime tour object many meminati either by domestic tourist also foreign countries, because at this area is famous with white sands, clear sea waters condition, various fish kind with variety umbu cliff especially from blue cliff kind (blue coral). tour attraction kind that make possible to can be done among others submerge, snorkeling, fish, ski water, sit in the sun (to kiss bathing), glass boat and camp. if luck, moment diving, you can see and hold turtle that intimate with divers.
what will you at twal gili dimension?
waters twal gili has potential biological variety very tall, among others umbu cliff 148 kinds from 54 kins, fish 123 kinds from 30 kins, and 3 turtle kinds. potential vast umbu cliff found at twal gili dimension achieves approximately 448,7634 ha with details 192,96 ha at waters gili awangan 118,96 ha at waters gili meno and 136,85 ha at waters gili water. vast field habitats ponders and sea grass at area twa 265,7452 ha that consist of 85,0705 ha at gili awangan 53,6056 ha at gili meno and 127,0691 ha at gili water.
how does conditon peraiaran twal gili dimension?
has pattern equal to area around third island that is has coast which is on usually flat and white sandy, with coast waters depth 1 – 3 m in limit 20 m. depth 20 m found in distance 40 m from coast.
topography gili water, meno flat with height almost in a line with sea level. earthquake consequence in the year 1978, gili water experiences depreciation around 1,5 m while gili awangan in part middle borthwards flat and in part middle towards south east hilly with height ± 20 m above sea level.
what can you do at twal gili dimension?
several management activities that carried out among others routine patrol with society (satgas gili), combined operations, arrangement and applications pranata tradisional awiq, management plan arrangement, configuration block, stock taking umbu cliff, buffer zona construction and cliff transplantation.
how do you achieve twal gili dimension?
mataram – senggigi/pusuk – code/public building gulf: land vehicle 30 minutes.
balinese – code gulf, by using fast ship (cruise)
code/public building gulf – gili: water vehicle 15 – 45 minutes.
tour supporting infrastructure tool at twal gili dimension?
tool and infrastructure available among others work hovel, communication radio, lighthouse tower, reference points, speed boat, hotel, tour hovel, pothouse, restaurant, memve center, store souvenir, telecommunication tool, and well-being tool.
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